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MMA welding machineCruiser 300

Cruiser 300 is a heavy duty industrial three-phase inverter power source for MMA welding including cellolose electrodes and TIG DC Lift applications with excellent arc characteristics.

The Cruiser 300 has been designed to work in harsh environmental conditions, such as professional maintenance, shipyards and offshore sites, construction, and heavy-duty steelwork.
Thanks to the MMA cellulosic function, the Cruiser 300 provides welders with the performance needed to handle cellulose electrode welding efficiently, applying high dynamics to the welding current to maintain a stable arc in all applications and welding positions.
The improved arc ignition and the stability of the electrode fusion are ensured by the ability to adjust the Hot Start and Arc Force parameters.
The TIG DC Lift functions and the available digital control make it an ideal choice for maintenance, construction, and medium-to-light steelwork.

Technologies Key Benefits

Special functions



Digital control and excellent welding with cellulosic electrodes is an optimized combination also for piping and Oil & Gas industry applications.

Technical features


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